T-Shirts Print
- Download Print Graphic which represents your class
- Print Graphic eg IMPACT_DAY_CLASS1986 for Class of 1986
- Select Colour of Choice for your Batch/Class
- Place the Graphic on Front side of the Tshirts
- The Graphic Files are available as Transparent PNG files
- To download
- Click on the Link Below and select your class/batch print Ggaphic
- You can also download the PNG image below
- Cannot find your class File ? Send us a mail
- For more information info@ccastaa.org
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Impact Day as per the Cameroon College of Arts, Science and Technology Alumni Association, CCASTAA?
Impact Day is a day set aside by former students of the Cameroon College of Arts, Science and Technology, CCAST Bambili, otherwise known as CCasterians, to celebrate their alma mater.
Why do we need Impact Day?
It is not every day that we get to meet each other, face-to-face. Also, many of us last interacted with each when we were parting companies on the Bambili campus. This could have been five years for some, 10 years for others, 15 for some and you can go on and on. Impact Day will provide that golden opportunity to reconnect. It is also a time Ccasterians of different batches will converge on one stage to talk CCAST and CCASTAA, be it physically or on any virtual platform, then we can start celebrating and having fruitful conversations aimed at improving our alma mater.
When is Impact Day?
Impact Day will take place on July the 30th 2022.
What will be the duration of Impact Day?
It will start at 9am gmt+1 till the end of the celebration.
Where will Impact Day take place?
Impact Day will take place anywhere a CCasterian is found in the world.
What do I need to be set for Impact Day?
Get your T-shirt, inform all your friends and be ready to enjoy a memorable day.