The Cameroon College of Arts, Science and Technology Alumni Association (CCASTAA) was officially launched on August 11, 2011 in Cameroon, USA, and Germany.  The organization is officially registered in Cameroon and USA and has received the endorsement of several principals

Principal CCAST Bambili – 2021

CCASTAA was created by a group of passionate alumni as an all-encompassing Global Alumni Association for CCAST ex-students with dual objectives of

(i) supporting its members professionally & socioeconomically and

(ii) supporting CCAST Bambili in its mission of educating the next generation.

The timeline below shows the history of CCASTAA to current state and how we’re thinking about the future.  We hope that you become part of this global movement to connect every single CCAST alumni going back to those who graduated in 1962

April 1, 2005

April 2005

University of Buea student strike leading to death of Gilbert Forlem (CCAST High School Class of 1998)

April 1, 2005
October 1, 2008

October 2008

High School class of 1998 started Gilbert Forlem project to support his family – challenges of executing project led to discussions about forming an Alumni Association for CCAST Bambili

October 1, 2008
January 1, 2009

August 2009

A group of passionate alumni across 3 continents take on the challenge of answering the question “why is there no global alumni association for such a prominent institution as CCAST?

January 1, 2009
January 1, 2010

August 2010

Approval for CCASTAA by CCAST Administration after review of CCASTAA  constitution 

January 1, 2010
January 1, 2011

March 10th, August 11th,  August 27th 2011

August 11th, Official launching of CCASTAA (CCAST Alumni Association) in Cameroon, Germany, and USA
August 27th, official approval of CCASTAA by the Senior Divisional Officer for Mezam (
March 10th – official registration of CCASTAA in the USA State of Texas,

January 1, 2011
January 1, 2012


Formation of CCASTAA chapters in Europe, expansion of North America and Cameroon Chapters; launching of the CCASTAA Scholarship project 

January 1, 2012
January 1, 2016


Mostly inactive due to insecurity in North West & South West regions of Cameroon

January 1, 2016
January 1, 2021

Looking Ahead

As we look ahead, focus is around growing membership, strengthening CCASTAA processes & infrastructure, engaging with CCAST and supporting  priority projects from the school and much more

January 1, 2021
January 1, 2019

Timeline Heading

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January 1, 2019
January 1, 2019

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January 1, 2019
January 1, 2019

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January 1, 2019