The Cameroon college of Arts, Science and Technology (CCAST) is a Government Institution under secondary General Education in the Ministry of National Education, Yaounde. The college is situated in Bambili sixteen kilometers North – East of Bamenda and Mankon Town, on the Bamenda Nso Road. The college prepares students for the Cameroon General Certificate of Education Examinations at the Advanced and Ordinary levels in the arts and sciences. Further to these academic objectives the college also aims to provide a whole community experience in which students can develop their personality and grasp their responsibilities as citizens of the United Republic of Cameroon as they study side by side with the E.N.S Annexe Bambili and the National college of Agriculture Students.

Political changes which gradually severed our historical relation with the republic of Nigeria and brought about independence and reunification with the republic of Cameroon, gave birth to the Cameroon College of Arts, Science and Technology, (CCAST BAMBILI) in 1962, about 45 years ago. This enviable creation of the ministry of national education which was tailored to prepare students for further studies, had the first cycle added in 1981 to make it a complete high schoool. It has served as a smooth link between secondary and university education until now, offering courses in the Arts and Sciences, leading up to the GCE O/L and A/L in the first and second cycles respectively. The conceiver of this veritable educational citadel for anglophones concretised their imaginations and aspirations under the banner of Discipline, Effort, Progress,the present motto of the school upon which it relies as an unavoidable therapy for its survival.