On 17th June 2010 a small group of CCAST Bambili Alumni met with the Principal of CCAST Bambili Mr. Forkusam Langmia Austin, at his office on the campus of CCAST Bambili. The Alumni members were meeting with the Principal to brief him on work that was being done towards the formation of an Alumni Association for CCAST Bambili known as CCAST Alumni Association (CCASTAA).
The Principal was updated on how much work had been done already towards the realization of the CCASTAA Project since its inception in early 2008.
Specifically the:
- Formation of an Organizing Committee comprised mostly of Alumni from Class of ‘98
- Writing of a Constitution and ByLaws for CCASTAA.
- Laying a foundation for CCASTAA on the internet:
o Starting the process of building a CCASTAA website i.e. registering domain name, working on website specifications etc.
o Setting up CCASTAA accounts on Facebook and Twitter
o And more…
- Miscellaneous social outreach functions to the community and some CCAST Alumni such as the Late Nforlem Gilbert Project (read more about this project on http://ccastaa.org)
In his opening remark, the Principal acknowledged the CCASTAA Project as a good initiative. After carefully studying the CCASTAA Constitution and Bylaws, he moved forward to append his signature and affix the official seal of CCAST Bambili on the three copies of the Constitution and Bylaws that were presented to him. He said the door of CCAST Bambili was open to the intention and aspirations of the association. In an official letter to the association, he certified that CCASTAA has his authorization as Principal to proceed with ongoing plans to register the association as an Alumina Association affiliated to CCAST Bambili (see signed documents on http://ccastaa.org).
In other related matters; the Principal alluded to the timely manner of the conception of the CCASTAA Project pointing to the fact that it comes at a time when CCAST Bambili was preparing to celebrate its 50th Anniversary in 2012. He was hopeful that the young association would rise up to the occasion. The Principal said he was impressed by all the work done thus far including the solid instrument of running any organization-The Constitution and Bylaws. He applauded the ongoing work to bring the association to full operation. As a fellow CCAST Alumni himself, the Principal did not hold back his emotion in declaring that he will be a proud member of CCASTAA. He advised that the future CCASTAA should continue focusing its attention on the welfare of its members and fellow CCAST students. In conclusion, he said he was confident that CCASTAA would form a strong partnership with the school to upgrade and improve the quality of education and life of the students at CCAST Bambili. He mentioned some areas where CCASTAA can work with CCAST Bambili such as: the IT and Multimedia Computer Lab Project, The Physical Science Laboratories of Physics, Chemistry and Biology and the CCAST Library.
The visit ended with a campus tour to the Physical Science Laboratories and the newly constructed IT and Multimedia Computer Lab.
The CCASTAA Delegation that visited CCAST Bambili was led by Mr. Pascal Tanyi. Accompanying him were fellow CCAST Alumni: Mr. Godlove Akumbom, Mrs Relindis T. Nsanjirba, Mrs Caro Esene.
Though not present, the following people also helped to make the visit a success:
1) Mr. Ngu Leonard ( Cameroon)
2) Dr. Esene (from Cairo, Egypt )
3) Dr. Doris Ngemasong N, (SC, USA)
4) Mr. & Mrs. Asong Eugine Suh ( Houston, Tx, USA)
5) Mr. Francis Njinjoh ( Germany )
6) Mr. Adig Marcel ( Germany)
7) Mr. Aloys Ndimbo ( Germany)
8) Mr Agwe Julius ( Co, USA)
9) Mr. Kenne Zony ( Fl, USA)
10) Mr. Ngwa Roger ( Atlanta, USA)
11) Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel Awemu